I love code. I begun to learn code in my University, at 2011. I learned Pascal, C, C++ and Java. Research about Computer Science, like, data structure, http services, algorithms and artificial intelligence (Network Neural Artificial).
My first job was with PHP, to make a dashboard to create a web system that support decision-making, with charting using javascript. After this experience I created my first project with public API to help a mobile application, impact totally a busniss food, before this web application and mobile the restaurant use the messeger and a notebook to control your plates.
After that experience, in 2015 I begun to work with Java Web full-time, at Interlider. Revert applications writed in Delphi to work with brazil taxes. I rewrite good part on that applications to a new applications with java web, using JBoss, jSF and Primefaces.
At 2016 in July I started at Professores de Plantao, when I worked with PHP7, integrations systems, MySQL, NoSQL, ElasticSearch, Redis, MongoDB, Nodejs, Laravel, Rest APIs, OAuth2 and others technologies. I did new applications, new API's, new Database and made the first unit test at company.Acting also in the area of software architecture
In 2018 I returned to work with freelance jobs, made my web applications with python(flask), php, golang and ruby sometimes. My interests are in Microservices, Neural Networks(Deep Learn) and code to Games with Unity2D.