você precisa para criar uma view como ReportView.ascx (isso mesmo, webform) e, em seguida, você precisa criar uma report view model, por favor, dê uma olhada.
View: ReportViewer.ascx
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ReportViewerControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="ReportViewerControl" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="rsweb" Namespace="Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms" Assembly="Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" %>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div style="Height:720px;Width:800px">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptManager" runat="server" ScriptMode="Release" EnablePartialRendering="false" />
<rsweb:ReportViewer Width="100%" Height="100%" ID="reportViewer" ShowPrintButton="true" KeepSessionAlive="true" runat="server" AsyncRendering="false" ProcessingMode="Remote">
<ServerReport />
no code behind: ReportViewer.ascx.cs
public partial class ReportViewerControl : System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Required for report events to be handled properly.
//reportViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = new ReportServerCredentials();
Context.Handler = Page;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
ReportingServicesReportViewModel model = (ReportingServicesReportViewModel)Model;
reportViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = model.ServerCredentials;
ReportParameter[] RptParameters = model.parameters;
reportViewer.ServerReport.ReportPath = model.ReportPath;
reportViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = model.ReportServerURL;
if(RptParameters.Count() > 0)
Você cria um outro arquivo para tratar as requisições ao report server:
public class ReportingServicesReportViewModel
#region Constructor
public ReportingServicesReportViewModel(String reportPath,List<ReportParameter> Parameters)
ReportPath = reportPath;
parameters = Parameters.ToArray();
public ReportingServicesReportViewModel()
#endregion Constructor
#region Public Properties
public ReportServerCredentials ServerCredentials { get { return new ReportServerCredentials(); } }
public String ReportPath { get; set; }
public Uri ReportServerURL { get { return new Uri(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportServerUrl"]); } }
public ReportParameter[] parameters { get; set; }
private string UploadDirectory = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/UploadTemp/");
private string TempDirectory = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/tempFiles/");
Configura as credenciais:
public sealed class ReportServerCredentials : IReportServerConnection2//IReportServerCredentials
#region Private Properties
private string _username;
private string _password;
private string _domain;
#endregion Private Properties
#region Public Properties
public System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity ImpersonationUser
get { return null; }
public System.Net.ICredentials NetworkCredentials
get { return new NetworkCredential(_username, _password, _domain); }
#endregion Public Properties
#region Constructor
public ReportServerCredentials(string userName, string password, string domain)
_username = userName;
_password = password;
_domain = domain;
public ReportServerCredentials()
var appSetting = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
_username = appSetting["ReportServerUser"];
_password = appSetting["ReportServerPassword"];
_domain = appSetting["ReportServerDomain"];
#endregion Constructor
#region Public Method
public bool GetFormsCredentials(out System.Net.Cookie authCookie, out string userName, out string password, out string authority)
authCookie = null;
userName = null;
password = null;
authority = null;
return false;
#endregion Public Method
public IEnumerable<Cookie> Cookies { get { return null; } }
public IEnumerable<string> Headers { get { return null; } }
public Uri ReportServerUrl { get { return new Uri(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportServerUrl"]); } }
public int Timeout { get { return 60000; } }
Você pode usar esse controller para chamar uma nova view que você vai criar:
public class HomeController
public ActionResult ActionReport(int Id)
ReportingServicesReportViewModel model = new ReportingServicesReportViewModel(
new List<Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter>()
new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter("parameter1",Id.ToString(),false)
return View("ViewReport", model);
Aqui é a view que esse controller deve apontar:
@model ReportingInfrastructure.ReportingServicesReportViewModel
<div style="display: table; width: 100%;">
@Html.Partial("ReportViewerControl", Model)
Pronto, agora é só fazer uma chamada para o controller e deve funcionar.