Eu possuo esse script, o que eu devo acrescentar nele para que ao ser executado, apareça em uma div? Aqui está o script. // Which flash versions are needed for given format var FLASH_VERSIONS = { '7/0/0': [5], '9/0/115': [18, 22, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 59, 78, 82, 83, 84, 85, 120, 121], '10/1/0': [52, 53, 54, 60], }; // Regex to extract the video format var RE_ITAG = /&itag=([0-9]*)&/i; function get_fmt(content) { var fmt = new Object(); fmt.list = new Array(); fmt.stream_map = new Array(); for (var i=0; i < content.length; i++) { var url = content[i]['url']; if ("") == -1) continue; var matches = RE_ITAG.exec(url); var itag = matches[1]; var resolution = '7/0/0'; for (var possible_resolution in FLASH_VERSIONS.length) { if (FLASH_VERSIONS[possible_resolution].indexOf(itag)) { resolution = possible_resolution; } } fmt.list.push(itag+'/'+String(content[i].width)+'x'+String(content[i].height)+'/'+resolution); fmt.stream_map.push(itag+'|'+content[i].url.replace(/,/g, '%2C')); } fmt.list.reverse(); fmt.stream_map.reverse(); return fmt; } function get_embed(content) { var fmt = get_fmt(content); var flashvars = new Array(); flashvars.push('fs=1'); flashvars.push('hl=en'); flashvars.push('autoplay=1'); flashvars.push('ps='); flashvars.push('playerapiid=uniquePlayerId'); flashvars.push('fmt_list='+encodeURIComponent(fmt.list.join())); flashvars.push('fmt_stream_map='+encodeURIComponent(fmt.stream_map.join())); flashvars.push(''); flashvars.push('t=1'); flashvars.push('vq=large'); flashvars.push('auth_timeout=86400000000'); var embed = document.createElement(''); embed.setAttribute("src", ""); embed.setAttribute("type", "application/x-shockwave-flash"); embed.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", "true"); embed.setAttribute("allowscriptaccess", "always"); embed.setAttribute("scale", "noScale"); embed.setAttribute("wmode", "opaque"); embed.setAttribute("flashvars", flashvars.join("&")); embed.setAttribute("width", "100%"); embed.setAttribute("height", "100%"); return embed; } var ts = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000); var script = document.createElement('script'); var hash = document.location.hash; var id = hash.substr(1,hash.length); var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); script.setAttribute('src', 'https://'); head.appendChild(script); myFunction(); // Fails because it hasn't loaded from my.js yet. window.onload = function() { // Works most of the time but not all of the time. // Especially if my.js injects another script that contains myFunction(). myFunction(); }; Como faço para ele ao ser carregado numa pagina html apareça dentro da div especifica? Exemplo: <div id="script" class="#">/div>