Existe algumas formas de como fazer isso. ###Apenas com CSS Segundo [A Microsoft](https://www.asp.net/web-pages/overview/ui-layouts-and-themes/validating-user-input-in-aspnet-web-pages-sites#Formatting_Validation_Errors) essas são as classes de erros que você terá: - **field-validation-error**. Defines the output of the Html.ValidationMessage method when it's displaying an error. - **field-validation-valid**. Defines the output of the Html.ValidationMessage method when there is no error. - **input-validation-error**. Defines how <input> elements are rendered when there's an error. (For example, you can use this class to set the background color of an <input> element to a different color if its value is invalid.) This CSS class is used only during client validation (in ASP.NET Web Pages 2). - **input-validation-valid**. Defines the appearance of <input> elements when there is no error. - **validation-summary-errors**. Defines the output of the Html.ValidationSummary method it's displaying a list of errors. - **validation-summary-valid**. Defines the output of the Html.ValidationSummary method when there is no error. Com isso, basta sobrescrever o **CSS** para essas classes, desta forma: <style> .validation-summary-errors { border:2px solid red; color:red; font-weight:bold; margin:6px; width:30%; } .field-validation-error{ color:red; font-weight:bold; background-color:yellow; } .input-validation-error{ color:red; font-weight:bold; background-color:pink; } </style> ###Adicionando uma nova classe à mensagem Você pode adicionar a sua classe estilizada aos `ValidationMessageFor()`, desta forma: @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m=>m.Name, new { @class ="sua-classe-estilizada"}) E em seu **CSS**, você teria sua classe: <style> .sua-classe-estilizada{ color: white; } </style>