Encontrei uma solução nesta resposta do SOen. Embora a resposta seja antiga (2008), funcionou como uma luva.
Eu apenas excluí o trecho abaixo da função porque ele faz o inverso, por isso não é necessário para o caso:
this.ToASCII = function ( domain ) {
O código completo está no final da resposta.
O que precisa fazer é enviar para a função punycode.ToUnicode(domain)
apenas o domínio do email que vem do input
pelo parâmetro domain
Para isso é necessário quebrar o endereço de email para pegar apenas o domínio. Eu fiz assim (exemplo):
// considere o email vindo do input como "nome@gçmail.com"
var email = "nome%40xn--gmail-yra.com"; // o %40 representa a arroba @ codificada
var email_array = email.split("%40");
var email_nome = email_array.shift(); // pego o nome no email
var email_dominio = email_array.pop(); // pego o domínio do email
// converte "xn--gmail-yra.com" para "gçmail.com"
var dominio_real = punycode.ToUnicode(email_dominio);
// agora eu junto nome + domínio
var email_real = email_nome+"@"+dominio_real;
Desta forma eu consigo verificar email com domínio inválido com o JavaScript no Chrome.
Código e teste:
window.onload = function(){
// considere o email vindo do input como "nome@gçmail.com"
var email = "nome%40xn--gmail-yra.com"; // o %40 representa a arroba @ codificada
var email_array = email.split("%40");
var email_nome = email_array.shift(); // pego o nome no email
var email_dominio = email_array.pop(); // pego o domínio do email
// converte "xn--gmail-yra.com" para "gçmail.com"
var dominio_real = punycode.ToUnicode(email_dominio);
// agora eu junto nome + domínio
var email_real = email_nome+"@"+dominio_real;
console.log("nome%40xn--gmail-yra.com -> "+email_real);
//Javascript Punycode converter derived from example in RFC3492.
//This implementation is created by [email protected] and released into public domain
var punycode = new function Punycode() {
// This object converts to and from puny-code used in IDN
// punycode.ToASCII ( domain )
// Returns a puny coded representation of "domain".
// It only converts the part of the domain name that
// has non ASCII characters. I.e. it dosent matter if
// you call it with a domain that already is in ASCII.
// punycode.ToUnicode (domain)
// Converts a puny-coded domain name to unicode.
// It only converts the puny-coded parts of the domain name.
// I.e. it dosent matter if you call it on a string
// that already has been converted to unicode.
this.utf16 = {
// The utf16-class is necessary to convert from javascripts internal character representation to unicode and back.
var output = [], i=0, len=input.length,value,extra;
while (i < len) {
value = input.charCodeAt(i++);
if ((value & 0xF800) === 0xD800) {
extra = input.charCodeAt(i++);
if ( ((value & 0xFC00) !== 0xD800) || ((extra & 0xFC00) !== 0xDC00) ) {
throw new RangeError("UTF-16(decode): Illegal UTF-16 sequence");
value = ((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000;
return output;
var output = [], i=0, len=input.length,value;
while (i < len) {
value = input[i++];
if ( (value & 0xF800) === 0xD800 ) {
throw new RangeError("UTF-16(encode): Illegal UTF-16 value");
if (value > 0xFFFF) {
value -= 0x10000;
output.push(String.fromCharCode(((value >>>10) & 0x3FF) | 0xD800));
value = 0xDC00 | (value & 0x3FF);
return output.join("");
//Default parameters
var initial_n = 0x80;
var initial_bias = 72;
var delimiter = "\x2D";
var base = 36;
var damp = 700;
var tmin=1;
var tmax=26;
var skew=38;
var maxint = 0x7FFFFFFF;
// decode_digit(cp) returns the numeric value of a basic code
// point (for use in representing integers) in the range 0 to
// base-1, or base if cp is does not represent a value.
function decode_digit(cp) {
return cp - 48 < 10 ? cp - 22 : cp - 65 < 26 ? cp - 65 : cp - 97 < 26 ? cp - 97 : base;
// encode_digit(d,flag) returns the basic code point whose value
// (when used for representing integers) is d, which needs to be in
// the range 0 to base-1. The lowercase form is used unless flag is
// nonzero, in which case the uppercase form is used. The behavior
// is undefined if flag is nonzero and digit d has no uppercase form.
function encode_digit(d, flag) {
return d + 22 + 75 * (d < 26) - ((flag != 0) << 5);
// 0..25 map to ASCII a..z or A..Z
// 26..35 map to ASCII 0..9
//** Bias adaptation function **
function adapt(delta, numpoints, firsttime ) {
var k;
delta = firsttime ? Math.floor(delta / damp) : (delta >> 1);
delta += Math.floor(delta / numpoints);
for (k = 0; delta > (((base - tmin) * tmax) >> 1); k += base) {
delta = Math.floor(delta / ( base - tmin ));
return Math.floor(k + (base - tmin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew));
// encode_basic(bcp,flag) forces a basic code point to lowercase if flag is zero,
// uppercase if flag is nonzero, and returns the resulting code point.
// The code point is unchanged if it is caseless.
// The behavior is undefined if bcp is not a basic code point.
function encode_basic(bcp, flag) {
bcp -= (bcp - 97 < 26) << 5;
return bcp + ((!flag && (bcp - 65 < 26)) << 5);
// Main decode
this.decode=function(input,preserveCase) {
// Dont use utf16
var output=[];
var case_flags=[];
var input_length = input.length;
var n, out, i, bias, basic, j, ic, oldi, w, k, digit, t, len;
// Initialize the state:
n = initial_n;
i = 0;
bias = initial_bias;
// Handle the basic code points: Let basic be the number of input code
// points before the last delimiter, or 0 if there is none, then
// copy the first basic code points to the output.
basic = input.lastIndexOf(delimiter);
if (basic < 0) basic = 0;
for (j = 0; j < basic; ++j) {
if(preserveCase) case_flags[output.length] = ( input.charCodeAt(j) -65 < 26);
if ( input.charCodeAt(j) >= 0x80) {
throw new RangeError("Illegal input >= 0x80");
output.push( input.charCodeAt(j) );
// Main decoding loop: Start just after the last delimiter if any
// basic code points were copied; start at the beginning otherwise.
for (ic = basic > 0 ? basic + 1 : 0; ic < input_length; ) {
// ic is the index of the next character to be consumed,
// Decode a generalized variable-length integer into delta,
// which gets added to i. The overflow checking is easier
// if we increase i as we go, then subtract off its starting
// value at the end to obtain delta.
for (oldi = i, w = 1, k = base; ; k += base) {
if (ic >= input_length) {
throw RangeError ("punycode_bad_input(1)");
digit = decode_digit(input.charCodeAt(ic++));
if (digit >= base) {
throw RangeError("punycode_bad_input(2)");
if (digit > Math.floor((maxint - i) / w)) {
throw RangeError ("punycode_overflow(1)");
i += digit * w;
t = k <= bias ? tmin : k >= bias + tmax ? tmax : k - bias;
if (digit < t) { break; }
if (w > Math.floor(maxint / (base - t))) {
throw RangeError("punycode_overflow(2)");
w *= (base - t);
out = output.length + 1;
bias = adapt(i - oldi, out, oldi === 0);
// i was supposed to wrap around from out to 0,
// incrementing n each time, so we'll fix that now:
if ( Math.floor(i / out) > maxint - n) {
throw RangeError("punycode_overflow(3)");
n += Math.floor( i / out ) ;
i %= out;
// Insert n at position i of the output:
// Case of last character determines uppercase flag:
if (preserveCase) { case_flags.splice(i, 0, input.charCodeAt(ic -1) -65 < 26);}
output.splice(i, 0, n);
if (preserveCase) {
for (i = 0, len = output.length; i < len; i++) {
if (case_flags[i]) {
output[i] = (String.fromCharCode(output[i]).toUpperCase()).charCodeAt(0);
return this.utf16.encode(output);
//** Main encode function **
this.encode = function (input,preserveCase) {
//** Bias adaptation function **
var n, delta, h, b, bias, j, m, q, k, t, ijv, case_flags;
if (preserveCase) {
// Preserve case, step1 of 2: Get a list of the unaltered string
case_flags = this.utf16.decode(input);
// Converts the input in UTF-16 to Unicode
input = this.utf16.decode(input.toLowerCase());
var input_length = input.length; // Cache the length
if (preserveCase) {
// Preserve case, step2 of 2: Modify the list to true/false
for (j=0; j < input_length; j++) {
case_flags[j] = input[j] != case_flags[j];
var output=[];
// Initialize the state:
n = initial_n;
delta = 0;
bias = initial_bias;
// Handle the basic code points:
for (j = 0; j < input_length; ++j) {
if ( input[j] < 0x80) {
case_flags ? encode_basic(input[j], case_flags[j]) : input[j]
h = b = output.length;
// h is the number of code points that have been handled, b is the
// number of basic code points
if (b > 0) output.push(delimiter);
// Main encoding loop:
while (h < input_length) {
// All non-basic code points < n have been
// handled already. Find the next larger one:
for (m = maxint, j = 0; j < input_length; ++j) {
ijv = input[j];
if (ijv >= n && ijv < m) m = ijv;
// Increase delta enough to advance the decoder's
// <n,i> state to <m,0>, but guard against overflow:
if (m - n > Math.floor((maxint - delta) / (h + 1))) {
throw RangeError("punycode_overflow (1)");
delta += (m - n) * (h + 1);
n = m;
for (j = 0; j < input_length; ++j) {
ijv = input[j];
if (ijv < n ) {
if (++delta > maxint) return Error("punycode_overflow(2)");
if (ijv == n) {
// Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer:
for (q = delta, k = base; ; k += base) {
t = k <= bias ? tmin : k >= bias + tmax ? tmax : k - bias;
if (q < t) break;
output.push( String.fromCharCode(encode_digit(t + (q - t) % (base - t), 0)) );
q = Math.floor( (q - t) / (base - t) );
output.push( String.fromCharCode(encode_digit(q, preserveCase && case_flags[j] ? 1:0 )));
bias = adapt(delta, h + 1, h == b);
delta = 0;
++delta, ++n;
return output.join("");
this.ToUnicode = function ( domain ) {
var domain_array = domain.split(".");
var out = [];
for (var i=0; i < domain_array.length; ++i) {
var s = domain_array[i];
s.match(/^xn--/) ?
punycode.decode(s.slice(4)) :
return out.join(".");
Código minimizado:
var punycode=new function Punycode(){this.utf16={decode:function(input){var output=[],i=0,len=input.length,value,extra;while(i<len){value=input.charCodeAt(i++);if((value&0xF800)===0xD800){extra=input.charCodeAt(i++);if(((value&0xFC00)!==0xD800)||((extra&0xFC00)!==0xDC00))throw new RangeError("UTF-16(decode): Illegal UTF-16 sequence");value=((value&0x3FF)<<10)+(extra&0x3FF)+0x10000;};output.push(value);} return output;},encode:function(input){var output=[],i=0,len=input.length,value;while(i<len){value=input[i++];if((value&0xF800)===0xD800)throw new RangeError("UTF-16(encode): Illegal UTF-16 value");if(value>0xFFFF){value-=0x10000;output.push(String.fromCharCode(((value>>>10)&0x3FF)|0xD800));value=0xDC00|(value&0x3FF);};output.push(String.fromCharCode(value));};return output.join("");}};var initial_n=0x80,initial_bias=72,delimiter="\x2D",base=36,damp=700,tmin=1,tmax=26,skew=38,maxint=0x7FFFFFFF;function decode_digit(cp){return cp-48<10?cp-22:cp-65<26?cp-65:cp-97<26?cp-97:base;};function encode_digit(d,flag){return d+22+75*(d<26)-((flag!=0)<<5);};function adapt(delta,numpoints,firsttime){var k;delta=firsttime?Math.floor(delta/damp):(delta>>1);delta+=Math.floor(delta/numpoints);for(k=0;delta>(((base-tmin)*tmax)>>1);k+=base){delta=Math.floor(delta/(base-tmin));};return Math.floor(k+(base-tmin+1)*delta/(delta+skew));};function encode_basic(bcp,flag){bcp-=(bcp-97<26)<<5;return bcp+((!flag&&(bcp-65<26))<<5);};this.decode=function(input,preserveCase){var output=[],case_flags=[],input_length=input.length,n,out,i,bias,basic,j,ic,oldi,w,k,digit,t,len;n=initial_n;i=0;bias=initial_bias;basic=input.lastIndexOf(delimiter);if(basic<0)basic=0;for(j=0;j<basic;++j){if(preserveCase)case_flags[output.length]=(input.charCodeAt(j)-65<26);if(input.charCodeAt(j)>=0x80)throw new RangeError("Illegal input >= 0x80");output.push(input.charCodeAt(j));};for(ic=basic>0?basic+1:0;ic<input_length;){for(oldi=i,w=1,k=base;;k+=base){if(ic>=input_length)throw RangeError ("punycode_bad_input(1)");digit=decode_digit(input.charCodeAt(ic++));if(digit>=base)throw RangeError("punycode_bad_input(2)");if(digit>Math.floor((maxint-i)/w))throw RangeError("punycode_overflow(1)");i+=digit*w;t=k<=bias?tmin:k>=bias+tmax?tmax:k-bias;if(digit<t)break;if(w>Math.floor(maxint/(base-t)))throw RangeError("punycode_overflow(2)");w*=(base-t);};out=output.length+1;bias=adapt(i-oldi,out,oldi===0);if(Math.floor(i/out)>maxint-n)throw RangeError("punycode_overflow(3)");n+=Math.floor(i/out);i%=out;if(preserveCase)case_flags.splice(i,0,input.charCodeAt(ic-1)-65<26);output.splice(i,0,n);i++;};if(preserveCase){for(i=0,len=output.length;i<len;i++){if(case_flags[i])output[i]=(String.fromCharCode(output[i]).toUpperCase()).charCodeAt(0);}};return this.utf16.encode(output);};this.encode=function(input,preserveCase){var n,delta,h,b,bias,j,m,q,k,t,ijv,case_flags;if(preserveCase)case_flags=this.utf16.decode(input);input=this.utf16.decode(input.toLowerCase());var input_length=input.length;if(preserveCase)for(j=0;j<input_length;j++){case_flags[j]=input[j]!=case_flags[j];};var output=[];n=initial_n;delta=0;bias=initial_bias;for(j=0;j<input_length;++j){if(input[j]<0x80)output.push(String.fromCharCode(case_flags?encode_basic(input[j],case_flags[j]):input[j]));};h=b=output.length;if(b>0)output.push(delimiter);while(h<input_length){for(m=maxint,j=0;j<input_length;++j){ijv=input[j];if(ijv>=n&&ijv<m)m=ijv;};if(m-n>Math.floor((maxint-delta)/(h+1)))throw RangeError("punycode_overflow (1)");delta+=(m-n)*(h+1);n=m;for(j=0;j<input_length;++j){ijv=input[j];if(ijv<n)if(++delta>maxint) return Error("punycode_overflow(2)");if(ijv==n){for(q=delta,k=base;;k+=base){t=k<=bias?tmin:k>=bias+tmax?tmax:k-bias;if(q<t)break;output.push(String.fromCharCode(encode_digit(t+(q-t)%(base-t),0)));q=Math.floor((q-t)/(base-t));};output.push(String.fromCharCode(encode_digit(q,preserveCase&&case_flags[j]?1:0)));bias=adapt(delta,h+1,h==b);delta=0;++h;}} ++delta,++n;} return output.join("");};this.ToUnicode=function(domain){var domain_array=domain.split("."),out=[];for(var i=0;i<domain_array.length;++i){var s=domain_array[i];out.push(s.match(/^xn--/)?punycode.decode(s.slice(4)):s);}return out.join(".");}}