Estou tentando rodar o app no emulador do Android Studio, a principio no terminal aparenta estar tudo correto:
D:\react-apps\teste>react-native run-android
Scanning 557 folders for symlinks in D:\react-apps\teste\node_modules (25ms)
Starting JS server...
Building and installing the app on the device (cd android && gradlew.bat install
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 2 incompatible and 1 stopped Daemons could not be reus
ed, use --status for details
Incremental java compilation is an incubating feature.
:app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE
:app:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE
:app:preReleaseBuild UP-TO-DATE
:app:bundleDebugJsAndAssets SKIPPED
:app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac - is not incremental (e.g. outputs have changed,
no previous execution, etc.).
:app:compileDebugNdk UP-TO-DATE
Running dex as a separate process.
To run dex in process, the Gradle daemon needs a larger heap.
It currently has 1024 MB.
For faster builds, increase the maximum heap size for the Gradle daemon to at le
ast 1536 MB.
To do this set org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536M in the project
For more information see
:app:processDebugJavaRes UP-TO-DATE
Installing APK 'app-debug.apk' on 'Nexus_5X_API_24(AVD) - 7.0' for app:debug
Installed on 1 device.
Total time: 58.863 secs
Running adb -s emulator-5554 reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
Starting the app on emulator-5554 (adb -s emulator-5554 shell am start -n com.te
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.teste/.MainActivity }
Porém na tela do emulador apresenta o erro abaixo: