Eu gostaria que os values deste form fossem apagados se o form for submetido com sucesso, está tudo ok (não apaga) se houver algum erro mas se não houver o values continuam lá, creio que seja um erro de logica.
<form action="" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label>Image<br><input type="file" name="file"></label><br><br>
<label>Name for the image<br><input type="nameImg" name="imgName" value ="<?php if (!empty($_POST['imgName'])) { echo $_POST['imgName']; } else if (empty($database->errors())) { echo ''; } ?>"></label><br><br>
<label>Link you wish it to have<br><input type="text" name="imgLink" value ="<?php if (!empty($_POST['imgLink'])) { echo $_POST['imgLink']; } else if (empty($database->errors())) { echo ''; } ?>"></label>
<input type="submit" value ="Upload Image">
if (isset($_POST['imgLink'], $_POST['imgName'], $_FILES['file']['name'])) {
$imgName = htmlentities('\'' .$_POST['imgName']. '\''); //Because of this $imgName will never be empty, we have to pass the pure input to imageInputCheck($_POST['imgName'])
$link = htmlentities($_POST['imgLink']);
$name = htmlentities($_FILES['file']['name']);
$temp = explode('.', $name);
$file_extn = strtolower(end($temp));
$tmp_name = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
$path = "images/" .uniqid('', true). '.' .$file_extn;
if ($database->imageInputCheck($link, $_POST['imgName'], $name, $file_extn)) {
$database->insertFolder($tmp_name, $path);
$database->insertDB($path, $link, $imgName);
echo '<br>Image upload successful.';
else {
foreach ($database->errors() as $error) {
echo '<div id="errors">' .$error. '</div>';
protected $_errors = [];
public function imageInputCheck($link, $imgName, $name, $file_extn) {
if (empty($link) && empty($name) && empty($_POST['imgName'])) {
$this->addError('<br>Fill all<br>Don\'t be stupid');
else if (empty($link) || empty($name) || empty($_POST['imgName'])) {
$this->addError('<br>You forgot to:<br><br>');
if (empty($name)) {
$this->addError('Upload an image');
if (empty($_POST['imgName'])) {
$this->addError('Give a name to your image');
if (empty($link)) {
$this->addError('Give a link to your image');
else if (($file_extn == 'jpg' || $file_extn == 'png' || $file_extn == 'tif' || $file_extn == 'gif' || $file_extn == 'jpeg') && strlen($imgName) <= 60) {
return true;
else {
$this->addError('<br>Couldn\'t upload file to database or the folder, make sure it\'s an image.<br>Make sure it\'s name is under 60 characters');
return false;
private function addError($error) {
$this->_errors[] = $error;
public function errors() {
return $this->_errors;