Estou desenvolvendo um componente PJC (Oracle Forms). Estou criando um Bean com um JTree dentro dele.
Numa aplicação padrão java, funciona bem, mas no PJC ocorre um comportamento estranho
com com o foco.
Quando pressiono F2 ou um clickclick longo para editar um nó da árvore, o editor perde o foco. Então, em vez de simplesmente começar a digitar o novo valor, eu tenho que clicar manualmente no editor e só então consigo mudar o valor.
Não sei pqporque isso acontece e como evitar.
Tentei gerar um loglog dos eventos de foco:
Tree focusLost e.getOppositeComponent: org.jdesktop.swingx.tree.DefaultXTreeCellEditor$XEditorContainer
Tree focusLost e.paramString: FOCUS_LOST,permanent,opposite=org.jdesktop.swingx.tree.DefaultXTreeCellEditor$XEditorContainer[,38,160,100x16]
Tree focusLost e.getSource: org.jdesktop.swingx.JXTree
Alguém sabe como evitar que o editor perca o foco?
--- English:
I´m developing a PJC (Oracle Forms) component. I´m creating a Bean with a JTree in it.
In a standard java application, all works fine. But in the PJC i have a odd behavior with focus.
When I press F2 or long click to edit a node of the JTree, the editor loses focus. So instead of just start typing the new value, i have to manually click at the editor and than change de value.
I don´t know why this is happening and how to avoid this.
I tried to log the focus events of the JTree:
Tree focusLost e.getOppositeComponent: org.jdesktop.swingx.tree.DefaultXTreeCellEditor$XEditorContainer
Tree focusLost e.paramString: FOCUS_LOST,permanent,opposite=org.jdesktop.swingx.tree.DefaultXTreeCellEditor$XEditorContainer[,38,160,100x16]
Tree focusLost e.getSource: org.jdesktop.swingx.JXTree
Does any one know how to prevent JTree of losing focus when is editing?