Conforme o link que foi passado, tente modificar o seu código App para funcionar da seguinte maneira:
var App = (function(){
// Method Construct, your objetive is loading modules and utils that will be used in this project.
function App() {
this.define_global_utils(function() {
// Method responsible for initiating the application.
App.prototype.init = function(){
// Method responsible for importing the modules used in this project.
// The modules were imported globally, that is, can be used in anywhere in the code.
App.prototype.define_global_modules = function() {
global.rek = require('rekuire');
global.fs = require('fs');
// Method responsible for imported the utilities.
App.prototype.define_global_utils = function(callback){
global.readFileCredentials = rek('data-source/utils/readFileCredentials');
readFileCredentials("spread_sheet.txt", function(err, data){
global.google_sheet_credentials = data;
// agora a variável está setada. Se precisares de correr outro código tens de o ter aqui dentro, ou chamando funções a partir daqui
// Method responsible for loading the dashboards.
App.prototype.load_modules = function(){
return App;